About me and photos
©Peter Bennett
My name is Peter Bennett. I love to help my clients restore and preserve their family history by organizing their digital and print photo archives, and digitizing their older print, film and video collections. I've been working in the photographic business for over 25 years as a professional photographer, teacher, photo editor, retoucher and digital asset manager (or DAM for short), which is a fancy way of saying photo organizer.
Here’s the funny thing - while I had managed my own professional photo library for years as well as run a photo agency representing over 30 photographers and almost 50,000 images, all of them meticulously categorized, organized, labeled and captioned - I realized that my own collection of personal and family photos was a mess, no, it was a complete disaster.
I had simply let things go for so long and I didn’t want to deal with it. And I knew that if it was happening to me, it was happening to others. So I decided to start Fotoflow Solutions, to take my years of experience and knowledge of photo organizing to people who really needed it. I want to help people organize their personal and family photos and teach them how to keep it organized. Most importantly I wanted to help people understand that they need to really start being the editors of their own life story.